Benefits of Coaching

Executive Coaching is necessary for the success and performance of business leaders. Executive coaching is to business leaders as personal training is to professional athletes – necessary for achieving results.
Our executive coaches help business leaders develop the needed skills that produce their desired results. Whether you want to communicate more effectively, implement strategic goals or achieve the results you have always desired, our executive coaches can help you reach your milestones.
Executive coaching will help you create a personalized success plan to achieve your business goals. Weekly meetings with your executive coach will insure that you develop successful habits that will insure that you achieve your goals on time, every time.
The ROI of Executive Coaching for Business Leaders
The TRS of Executive Coaching for Businesses
How Executive Coaching Can Help You Succeed
Benefits for Leaders
Signs You Need a Coach
Assessments for Executive Coaching
The ROI of Executive Coaching to Business Leaders
Recent research on the impact of coaching indicates that coaching improves productivity that fuels growth and profitability. Coaching helps managers be able to manage self, manage others and manage their professional growth.
Manchester, Inc. just completed an ROI for Fortune 1000 companies. The results of the research released an average of 5.7 return on investment with an average estimated savings exceeding $100,000. The most significant ROI was in:
Productivity Improvements |
Organizational Strength |
Quality Improvement |
Customer Service |
Retention |
Direct Report and Supervision |
Improved Relationships |
Teamwork |
Working Relations with Peers |
The TRS of Executive Coaching for Businesses
A recent research by Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that: The Return on Investment in coaching, training and professional development will then increase value and its competitive edge in the market. Passion to excel, effective communication, employee commitment, ability to manage change and trust in people skills are key factors in increasing the TRS (Total Return to Shareholders.)
Increase in Total Return to Shareholder
Companies That Have | Increase in TRS |
High Internal Trust | TRS outperform by 186% |
Manage Change | TRS outperform by 7x greater |
Communication | TRS outperform by 3x greater |
Commitment | TRS outperform by 200% |
How Executive Coaching Can Help You Succeed
Coaching can help you:
- Communicate more effectively
- Think and act more strategically
- Develop and clarify their vision
- Accomplish a grand goal
- Achieve the right results
- Make changes in style to be more effective
- Strategies to create success and avoid self-sabotage
- Create balance
- Manage change and transitions
- Create more effective teams
- Implement plans
- Work more effectively with partners and staff
- Prioritize and manage time effectively
Benefits for Leaders
Benefits of Executive Coaching
- Increase focus
- Increase strategic thinking
- Improve communication skills
- Increase ability to motivate
- Increase productivity
Executive Coaching will help
- Provide feedback
- Get the results you want
- Clarify your values, vision, and mission
- Accent your assets and overcome your challenges
Signs That You Need a Coach
- Unsure about personal business goals
- Starting a new business venture, position or career
- You fail to get promotions
- When you can’t get the buy-in you need to reach your vision
- When you’ve been promoted, but can’t forge the support to do your job
- When morale is often a team issue and you’re the leader
- When your “360” left you feeling like you’re at “180”
- When your professional development is hampered by a reticence to negotiate effectively, confront or build coalitions
- When people infer that you are not listening
- When you have too many balls in the air and can’t seem to find the time to pass them to someone
- When you are in transition
360 Leadership Inventories
Improving your leadership style
The 360 gives the individual an accurate measure of his/her leadership style. 360 Leadership Inventories give you the following information about your:
- Leadership style
- Management style
- Feedback from the following sources:
- Yourself
- Your Manager
- Your Reports
- Your Colleagues
The impact can change the way you lead, manage, and collaborate.
Results for the Individual
- Motivate others to increase performance
- Increase individual performance and productivity
- Modify behavior to exceed expectations
- Prevent and resolve conflicts
- Change behavior to be more effective
- Increase team cohesion & productivity
Results for the Business
- More productive and effective workers
- increase profit
- Collaborative teams
- increase productivity
- Higher worker morale
- decrease turnover rate
- decrease costs
- increase profit
DiSC Assessments
Results of DiSC
- More effective leaders
- Increase team productivity
- Increase communication skills
- Motivate & manage reports
- Improve sales closing techniques
What a DiSC Does
- Describes your personality characteristics
- Helps you understand various styles of
- Communicating
- Motivation
- Management
- Worker Compatibility
- Suggests how to
- Gain commitment and cooperation
- Build effective teams
- Resolve/prevent conflict
- Gain endorsement